Thursday, June 4, 2009


Goodbye Seniors class of 2009 you did it! Looking back at all of our memories together it is overwhelming on how fast time has gone by. Today was by far one of my most hardest days to say bye to such a wonderful group of friends. I cannot even begin to start on how special each and every one of you are. When I say "you" I mean to all of my friends who are graduating this year or have already graduated this month. You guys have shown me through the heartaches and joys of life and to always believe in myself and despite any negative connotation any person has ever given to me I can make it through everything. You guys have fought and struggled through high school and are now beginning the start of a successful and prosperous life. I know that each and every one of you will succeed in everything that you dedicate your heart and mind into and come out on top. Keep moving forward and only look back to smile at all of your accomplishments. I only wish and pray the best for all of you guys and nothing more then the best because you guys deserve it. Much love stay beautiful and strong.

Jasmine Nguyen

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