Thursday, June 4, 2009


Goodbye Seniors class of 2009 you did it! Looking back at all of our memories together it is overwhelming on how fast time has gone by. Today was by far one of my most hardest days to say bye to such a wonderful group of friends. I cannot even begin to start on how special each and every one of you are. When I say "you" I mean to all of my friends who are graduating this year or have already graduated this month. You guys have shown me through the heartaches and joys of life and to always believe in myself and despite any negative connotation any person has ever given to me I can make it through everything. You guys have fought and struggled through high school and are now beginning the start of a successful and prosperous life. I know that each and every one of you will succeed in everything that you dedicate your heart and mind into and come out on top. Keep moving forward and only look back to smile at all of your accomplishments. I only wish and pray the best for all of you guys and nothing more then the best because you guys deserve it. Much love stay beautiful and strong.

Jasmine Nguyen

Friday, April 17, 2009


Originally this blogspot was for my personal thoughts until I started using it more for english class although I don't feel like making a new blogspot so I will just continue with what I am here to do; write.

After talking to my friend about his personal relationship it made me question mine. Everything is going so well, a little too well. I hate to be the typical girl that every guy hates but I got to get something off of my chest. Now don't get me wrong I love every little bit of everything that we have it's just that... I know that he likes/loves me, but sometimes it just seems like celebrity's in front of the camera. When we are with other people or perhaps he is with someone other then me everything is different the tables have turned. When the cameras go off and it is just me and him its perfect in my eyes. He shows so much compassion and love. We are definitely both on the same page when it comes to hanging out with our friends and setting our lovey dovey stuff to the side although I wonder if it is even there. Of course I can't expect anything, but hearing my guy friends talk about their girls as if they were their world and how much they cherish and love their girl makes me feel a little left out. But how can I feel left out when I have everything I could ever wish for? I talk him like I am telling a fairy tale, it never ends and only the best comes out from it. Am I just a painting in a gallery? There are things that I don't want to talk to him about because it will always be the same answer. I don't even know why I am getting my head into this but this has been on my mind since the day we first started talking. Why is it so hard for him to tell the world that I am his girl? Yeah, I know that he looks at other girls and being the attentive girl that I am I love attention. But I always flaunt that I am taken and when I see someone all I can see is him. Yea, he may look at them and be impressed for a few seconds but hold back because he is taken but is that the reason why? Just because he is taken? Let me put it this way, when I look at other guys all I see is him. I don't see any other face but his. Whatever I do I always keep him in mind. I choose not to walk away because I am so deeply in love with everything he has to offer and with him. Is it me that he loves? Or the thought of us just for that second that we are alone and once were not it vanishes? I know that if I ever told him about this, he will just say " okay then what do you want me to do go brag about you to everyone and talk about you 24/7" the situation always has to be turned it will never just be heard and be taken into consideration. I hope someday he will realize that yes all of him may be there when it's just us but only half of him is there when the cameras turn on and the other half that is missing is me. I don't want to feel like the bad guy. I am always the one that finds something wrong with us when looking at the bigger picture we are more then good were perfect. When I say I don't want to be that sterotypical girl that every guy hates is that I don't want to be the one that is always complaining and finding things wrong with us. But it's different when I have held it in so long. Am I do anything new? Or are you use to everything from your past. Everytime I see a couple I think to myself... " why can't that be me?" and when I am with him I still wonder... " why can't that be me?" Are we really on the same page?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes

"The glamour of the rich became an important fact in his life. In his writing, the rich and the "liberated" were to become symbols of the death of the "old America" in the dawn of an age of moral irresponsibility and mindless selfishness. From the very beginning of his career, Fitzgerald would write a poignant moral history of the country."

It says right in the quote that his prosperous days was a big influence on his writings. It gave him insight on American History and since then he wrote about the history of our country.

"He was a very popular undergraduate and gained early fame as a writer for the student drama society."

People recognized his work even during his graduate days which then leads to a promising future and everyone has the power to spread the word which then gives your name out and people start hearing about what you have to offer into this world especially if they like what you do.

Reflections Of American Culture

Look back at some of your past blogs. What do the books we've read this year tell us about American culture? What do they tell us about some of the challenges or conflicts we have encountered since the beginning of the country? Do the books tell us anything about the American Dream?

Past books we have read reflect on American culture by reminding us our freedom that comes with being an American. For example Huckleberry Finn or Fahrenheit 451. In Huckleberry Finn reminds us that we are all equals and individuals and should not be judged on the color of our skin. Fahrenheit reminds us that the media is brainwashing although it is our free choice to approach the media in whatever way we would like.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I was not here monday and tuesday of this week (february 23 &24) so I don't exactly know what the blog assignment was. I saw that period 3 had a lot of blogs that were posted which I think they were done in class....

Personal Ads

Look at all the Personal Ads. Who did the best job of selling J. Alfred Prufrock? What specific details about him did they use in their ad?

I think everyone was creative into making thier ad. All of them were amusing yet advertised J. Alfred Prufrock very well. I forgot which group but there was one in particular where the artwork was outstanding. Who ever drew that has an amazing talent. I thought my group had a real funny one the "love me" shirt I thought of last minute. Sylvia and I had a great time making that poster. Everyone mainly had the same concept, kind of like a EHARMONY kind of thing. Stating what your looking, for what you look like, etc, I enjoyed this project a lot it was fun :]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

romantic connection <3

I think at Gunderson there are a lot of people like J. Alfred and I think his romantic level is very stereotypical in a high school relationship. I don't think its always that people have a "hard" time having a romantic connection with others I think its either fear or choice. I believe everyone in this world has a soul mate out there somewhere in this world but its up to them to stay open minded and make good decisions. The reason why most high school relationships do not work out is because they are immature about their relationship. The word "love" is not a word that should be thrown around it should be taken into careful consideration and a matter of real thought before saying it. Sterotypical high school relationships is basically just misued context, miscommunication, drama, and speed; well in my opinion :] Not everyone matures at the same time and lucky for me I matured a lot faster then others and I experienced a lot of bad and good things about being in a relationship with someone. Although I can say as of right now, I am in the best relationship of my lfie so far.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The American Dream.

According to Wikipedia the American Dream is defined as,
"The American Dream is the freedom that allows all citizens and most residents[1] of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice (see Immigration to the United States). One person may place monetary gain as their highest goal, and thus strive for this in a very American way, gaining through ability rather than social status. For another, the American Dream could consist in achieving a state of freedom from money and social structure. These two examples of the American Dream are only drops in an ever-expanding spectrum of possibilities.

The phrase's meaning has evolved over the course of American history. The Founding Fatherseducation and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group. used the phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." it began as the opportunity to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. For others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up and receive an

President Clinton said, "We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together, or the American Dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other American."

I think the American Dream is still an open choice for everyone. Yes everyone has the opportunity to reach their highest goals unless there are personal issues that get in the way of that but they still have free education from K-12 grade. FAFSA is offered at colleges it is really up to you on what YOUR american dream is. No one can define what an american dream is because it is different for everyone. Everyone has the potential will power to pursue their long term goals and wildest dreams it is just a matter of action and knowledge that will guide them in the right direction to achieve that long term goal.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Our society is always praising science and technology. We see both of these as progress. Is there a dark side to science and technology? What do we lose? Does it change who we are or who we should be? Does Thoreau have a point when he advocates simplifying life? He doesn't see the need to take a train when he can walk.

Of course there is a dark side to science and technology we are too wrapped up in it. It's to the point where now we rely on technology to do the job for us. Its just making us more and more lazy in my opinion. Thoreau most definitely has a point, people are just lazy now a days and they rely on cars, or public transportation, or cell phones, TV, computers, to keep them busy or get them where they need to go. Which adds on to global warming with the transportation thing.

power of the individual.

The main characters in the book portrayed a strong dominant attitude that was always for the equal for everyone. No matter what anyone said they still kept their opinions strong and their drive stronger. It was for sure that no one could get in the way of what they wanted to do. I think these books are idealistic because there were abolitionists in our history who have sacrificed their life to give our people their individual freedom. These books are also motivational books and inspirational books.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

should not.

In my opinion I believe there should be no limitation to what should not be taught unless it offends students in anyway. School is a place to be educated with past, present, and future knowledge. According to wikipedia, "Education is the learning of knowledge information and skills during the course of life." how can you learn the skills of life if schools are putting restrictions on what you are eligable to learn?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Honestly, I think the should not side should have won. Strong points, strong arguments, good rebutal. Overall there were good and bad things about each side. Tyra's and Martha's rebutals were both very well thought out and presented. Trung had a good conclusion. Ryan had an oustanding presentation. Enrique just made it a bonus for the should not side. My role was to research information for my group.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What would Jim & Huck think?

I think if Jim and Huck looked at our society today they would be more content with the drawback of segregation. Now I am not saying that our society has become a Utopian society and every race is treated fairly. Although it has improved a lot compared to the society Jim and Huck experienced. The stereotypes of whites and blacks still play an effective role today. For example jobs/careers, for certain companies have either racist or non racist head chairs and they determine the job availabilities. If they are run by white men and you are a colored person trying to get a job although are competing against a white man who might now have as much knowledge and qualities that you have more then likely the white man will get the job. Our world just isn't perfect.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teaching HF

What are the arguments in favor of teaching Huckleberry Finn and what are the arguments against teaching it? Which side do you think is more convincing?

I think the book should be taught for people to seek the truth in harsh times. Not everything in this world is go lucky and happy. People need to understand the corrupt world we are living in and handle the truth and maybe change their mind about the world we live in and hopefully try and make it better :]

B A N N E D.

Why are books or music banned in the USA? Is this beneficial or detrimental to our society?

This has always been an issue in the United States and I'm sure in other countries as well It takes only a small group of people to contradict an idea from an author or music artist against their books or movies to ban their material. Every citizen is granted their own free right to express their emotions through writing. I would say the media and the government tries to brain wash our country into thinking a certain way. Unless people do deep research about the facts that are being said out to the people they will find no truth it in at all; especially our own American history. Pocahontas is a perfect example. In the disney movie she is defined as a beautiful young female adult who later then forms a close emotional relationship with John Smith. When that is NOT TRUE!. If it portrays a racist or sexist or immoral material it will be banned.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lowest Animal

"Americans have always had a high regard for progress and self-improvement. Mark Twain couples this admirable national trait with a blistering vision of how far, in his opinion, the human race falls short of its ideals. Think about what you would like to change about human nature, and freewrite your ideas" (Holt 468)

What I would like to change about human nature is animal torture and cruelty as well as extinction. Following along with animal cruelty is global warming and the media. humans will do anything to get what they want but then turns the hypocrisy of humans saying " you can't always get what you want."