Thursday, February 25, 2010


As always it is just your typical day... today we had a class meeting about "gradnite" and basically we have two choices but we still have a transportation problem for both of them since we are not allowed to drive ourselves there we have to have a school bus take us to either a cruise ship in San Francisco or Disneyland. The cruise is a 3 or 4 hour cruise for $60-$90 with "all you can drink soda, hors d'oeuvres, and a DJ (so basically it is like James Logan's prom last year except without the 3 course meal.) Or we could go to Disneyland with seniors from all over California for $200 for 3 days. So which should I vote on? I pick Disneyland but then again I get bus sick easily so maybe the cruise their better be a good "disk jockey!"
Mochi is the sweetest and cutest and can be one of the most smartest dogs if she knew how to pee on the pad already!!! Gah she is a FAIL right now! Damn it!
GAAAHH!! ( I am continuing on my post because my laptop died earlier today) SHE PEED ON THE PAD! Well I had to put her on there but still SHE PEED!! YAY MOCHI! :D
Well ABDC was quite interesting / good groups who were on top did their worst performance this week but groups who did bad last week stepped up their game this week. Right now I am watching Taking the Stage and Tyler hurt his ankle OF COURSE! And now he is crying And I REALLY WANT TO WATCH TURN THE BEAT AROUND WHICH PREMIERS TOMORROW AT 10pm!
sigh.... I have a lot to say about me and Shawn right now but I am tired of repeating myself... I just don't know how to handle this... I know it has been 15 months and almost 16 but.. as much as I try to keep it together in all reality everything is falling apart I am falling apart. This is so hard on me.. I know that I am an independent person and I can handle myself but this is the most hardest thing I have ever had to go through.. I feel so overwhelemed and clueless. I mean having him here for 6 straight days was nice but I know that we are people who need our space and you know I don't mind that but this is too much space. I just don't know what to do... I don't want to be that girlfriend that nags to him all the time and makes him do things he doesn't want to but I don't know what to do with my feelings.. I just wish I had an answer to everything.

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