Friday, February 27, 2009


I was not here monday and tuesday of this week (february 23 &24) so I don't exactly know what the blog assignment was. I saw that period 3 had a lot of blogs that were posted which I think they were done in class....

Personal Ads

Look at all the Personal Ads. Who did the best job of selling J. Alfred Prufrock? What specific details about him did they use in their ad?

I think everyone was creative into making thier ad. All of them were amusing yet advertised J. Alfred Prufrock very well. I forgot which group but there was one in particular where the artwork was outstanding. Who ever drew that has an amazing talent. I thought my group had a real funny one the "love me" shirt I thought of last minute. Sylvia and I had a great time making that poster. Everyone mainly had the same concept, kind of like a EHARMONY kind of thing. Stating what your looking, for what you look like, etc, I enjoyed this project a lot it was fun :]

Thursday, February 19, 2009

romantic connection <3

I think at Gunderson there are a lot of people like J. Alfred and I think his romantic level is very stereotypical in a high school relationship. I don't think its always that people have a "hard" time having a romantic connection with others I think its either fear or choice. I believe everyone in this world has a soul mate out there somewhere in this world but its up to them to stay open minded and make good decisions. The reason why most high school relationships do not work out is because they are immature about their relationship. The word "love" is not a word that should be thrown around it should be taken into careful consideration and a matter of real thought before saying it. Sterotypical high school relationships is basically just misued context, miscommunication, drama, and speed; well in my opinion :] Not everyone matures at the same time and lucky for me I matured a lot faster then others and I experienced a lot of bad and good things about being in a relationship with someone. Although I can say as of right now, I am in the best relationship of my lfie so far.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The American Dream.

According to Wikipedia the American Dream is defined as,
"The American Dream is the freedom that allows all citizens and most residents[1] of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice (see Immigration to the United States). One person may place monetary gain as their highest goal, and thus strive for this in a very American way, gaining through ability rather than social status. For another, the American Dream could consist in achieving a state of freedom from money and social structure. These two examples of the American Dream are only drops in an ever-expanding spectrum of possibilities.

The phrase's meaning has evolved over the course of American history. The Founding Fatherseducation and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group. used the phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." it began as the opportunity to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. For others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up and receive an

President Clinton said, "We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together, or the American Dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other American."

I think the American Dream is still an open choice for everyone. Yes everyone has the opportunity to reach their highest goals unless there are personal issues that get in the way of that but they still have free education from K-12 grade. FAFSA is offered at colleges it is really up to you on what YOUR american dream is. No one can define what an american dream is because it is different for everyone. Everyone has the potential will power to pursue their long term goals and wildest dreams it is just a matter of action and knowledge that will guide them in the right direction to achieve that long term goal.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Our society is always praising science and technology. We see both of these as progress. Is there a dark side to science and technology? What do we lose? Does it change who we are or who we should be? Does Thoreau have a point when he advocates simplifying life? He doesn't see the need to take a train when he can walk.

Of course there is a dark side to science and technology we are too wrapped up in it. It's to the point where now we rely on technology to do the job for us. Its just making us more and more lazy in my opinion. Thoreau most definitely has a point, people are just lazy now a days and they rely on cars, or public transportation, or cell phones, TV, computers, to keep them busy or get them where they need to go. Which adds on to global warming with the transportation thing.

power of the individual.

The main characters in the book portrayed a strong dominant attitude that was always for the equal for everyone. No matter what anyone said they still kept their opinions strong and their drive stronger. It was for sure that no one could get in the way of what they wanted to do. I think these books are idealistic because there were abolitionists in our history who have sacrificed their life to give our people their individual freedom. These books are also motivational books and inspirational books.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

should not.

In my opinion I believe there should be no limitation to what should not be taught unless it offends students in anyway. School is a place to be educated with past, present, and future knowledge. According to wikipedia, "Education is the learning of knowledge information and skills during the course of life." how can you learn the skills of life if schools are putting restrictions on what you are eligable to learn?