As always it is just your typical day... today we had a class meeting about "gradnite" and basically we have two choices but we still have a transportation problem for both of them since we are not allowed to drive ourselves there we have to have a school bus take us to either a cruise ship in San Francisco or Disneyland. The cruise is a 3 or 4 hour cruise for $60-$90 with "all you can drink soda, hors d'oeuvres, and a DJ (so basically it is like James Logan's prom last year except without the 3 course meal.) Or we could go to Disneyland with seniors from all over California for $200 for 3 days. So which should I vote on? I pick Disneyland but then again I get bus sick easily so maybe the cruise their better be a good "disk jockey!"
Mochi is the sweetest and cutest and can be one of the most smartest dogs if she knew how to pee on the pad already!!! Gah she is a FAIL right now! Damn it!
GAAAHH!! ( I am continuing on my post because my laptop died earlier today) SHE PEED ON THE PAD! Well I had to put her on there but still SHE PEED!! YAY MOCHI! :D
Well ABDC was quite interesting / good groups who were on top did their worst performance this week but groups who did bad last week stepped up their game this week. Right now I am watching Taking the Stage and Tyler hurt his ankle OF COURSE! And now he is crying And I REALLY WANT TO WATCH TURN THE BEAT AROUND WHICH PREMIERS TOMORROW AT 10pm!
sigh.... I have a lot to say about me and Shawn right now but I am tired of repeating myself... I just don't know how to handle this... I know it has been 15 months and almost 16 but.. as much as I try to keep it together in all reality everything is falling apart I am falling apart. This is so hard on me.. I know that I am an independent person and I can handle myself but this is the most hardest thing I have ever had to go through.. I feel so overwhelemed and clueless. I mean having him here for 6 straight days was nice but I know that we are people who need our space and you know I don't mind that but this is too much space. I just don't know what to do... I don't want to be that girlfriend that nags to him all the time and makes him do things he doesn't want to but I don't know what to do with my feelings.. I just wish I had an answer to everything.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
This week has been pretty relaxing Mochi definitely keeps me company and helps keep my mind off of Shawn. I love Mochi so much I have to remind myself sometimes that I am only dogsitting :[ She needs to hurry up and learn how to pee on the pad!! She already knows to stay away from bedrooms and the bathroom and she knows how to sit but she doesn't know where to pee! oy vaaayy!! But it is okay, it takes time to learn but I am sure she will learn soon :] Going to school can be a good few hours to come back too but every period just reminds me on why I hate the kids at my school.. I want to slap them all. I am so anxious to get out of high school it is not even funny! But then again, I will miss some students from their whom I have grown a really close friendship with. We all have created a lot of memories and there are much more to come :]
Work was actually really fun today :] I love hanging out with my co workers and us goofing around at work. They are the only reason why I stay at Papaya. I just wish that I could really start moving up on my job status but then again I only work like 3-4 days a week so yeaah I am pretty sure this summer I will move up :]
- I wish that Shawn would have a nice talk with me at night like he plays COD
Work was actually really fun today :] I love hanging out with my co workers and us goofing around at work. They are the only reason why I stay at Papaya. I just wish that I could really start moving up on my job status but then again I only work like 3-4 days a week so yeaah I am pretty sure this summer I will move up :]
- I wish that Shawn would have a nice talk with me at night like he plays COD
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
"winter break"

Before I can even begin talking about how my break went I have to say I was reluctant on having Shawn come since we were in this long lasting argument. I had no idea what to do the moment I saw him at the airport. I didn't want to fake any emotions I was feeling but at the same time I wanted him to enjoy his trip here.
Day 1:
I picked him up at the airport and I was about 15 minutes early. The San Jose International Airport looks absolutely spectacular! It can be a tad overwhelming because it is so big, but it will come in handy when there is a long line :] Well after I picked him up we went back to the house and we sat and talked a little bit about what is going to happen next... after we kissed I realized that all of my butterflies in my tummy flew away. They were no where to be found. I was shocked and confused.. I refused to think I lost my feelings for him but I knew it wasn't because I lost feelings for him it was because he lost my trust. So it is up to him to gain it back... After we talked we went to my aunt's house for the new years party and it was pretty slow and mellow at first then when the red envelopes came out the story turned. I know how it feels to be in a room full of adults that you don't really know where you feel like everyone is staring at you judging you so I tried to be a good host and just let Shawn do his own thing so he could feel more comfortable but my family encouraged him to join us and even though he was hesitant at first he got in line and ended up getting a few extra bucks ;] we played vietnamese lotto and Shawn's luck came in this year and he won one game! (it was split with Louis though)
Day 2:
Valentines Day.. what to do what to do.. well my plan got backfired since new years was still in session and so bright and early in the morning we went to a bunch of family houses to do the traditional family lion dance featuring.. the kids mainly Louis and Newton and dun da na na!!! SHAWN SAYSENESOUK PLAY
ING BUDDHA! Again, I didn't want him to feel awkward so I begged my family to not let him to anything he didn't want to do but he was a good sport and put on the outfit and played the role like a pro :] We also went to the nursing home where my great grandma is and even Shawn got a red envelope from her! I DIDN'T EVEN GET ONE! -_- Well after we went home and took a nap then went to Todai where we will probably never go again because it was ridicously expensive. And then after we gambled at Tony's house with his family and ended up going home dead even.
Day 3:
SHOPPING DAY NUMERO UNO! Went to Oakridge and I showed off my man like a trophy. Not saying he is one but I was just so glad everyone could finally see him after how much I talk about him they probably know just as much about him as he does himself if not more! Then after we were going to watch a movie but then I didn't feel like it so we met up with the group and we went to Krung Thai which was lame bceause my mom got sick and I had to get her porridge but nothing was open so I got her wonton and gatorade and Shawn and I were mad at each other because both of us have no patience and Shawn just raises his voice quite often and I absolutely hate it when people do that I don't take crap from no one so I get mad when he does that and it was just chaos. So Krung Thai for us was a short quite dinner. Then we let it go in the car going to TapiocaExpress aka tapx. Brian told us it was down the streeet..... MY ASS! It was like 23408320432 minutes away!! Then after we went back home.
Day 4:
okay I don't remember what we did this day but what I do know is that we took pictures on my photobooth with Shawns booty. yeaap thats about it.. wait... I remember this was the day Brian took us to San Felipe road where Shawn was a little pansy and he wouldn't look up oh man... I would tell the story but we have a video on Brian's phone instead I will post that up once I get it..
Day 5:
This was the fun day... the never ending day... well it all started at the Santa Clara Billiards. We were playing pool and as usual guys take over and I sit on the side -_- Shawn is actually pretty good but I am glad to see that these guys really bond well with each other and it makes Shawn feel just like home.. after pool we went to Dennys where the magic happened. I don't even know where to start... well we ordered 12 pancake puppies and it took an hour for them to come out. We were all so tired we had no idea what was going on. Brian hooks all the straws together and sips on the farthest water away from him then Tony's got this asian mob thing going on in the corner then the salt in Ivan's water then the swab of paper on the ceiling.. oh god the night just basically never ended and we laugehd all the way home.

Day 6:
Basically Shawns last day in town and we went to San Francisco with Tom. And again Shawn and I were arguing about parking and blah blah some ridiculous crap at Glen Park Bart because the parking lot was no where to be found. Then we took the bart and it was everyones first time except for me. Then got off on Powell and went shopping! Tom said hi to probably every single girl that he saw and they all either didn't say anything and/or didn't make eye contact or was busy doing something else. It was quite hilarious actually it was the joke of the day. We decided to go back to San Jose to eat and the winner is..WINGSTOP! Guess who we ran into? Thuong, Mila, Jessica, and Andy.Then after we came home and we went bowling at AMF 300 and the first game Shawn beat everyone by a landslide then second game Tom whopped everyones ass HARD. Then we went to Quicklys and realized it was 2 i
sigh.. the hardest part wasn't saying goodbye it was not knowing if we will last.. I know that hanging out with the guys really helped him feel more comfortable about deciding to move here but he is still too attached to what he already built over there.. I don't know what to do but the truth is there is nothing I can do. This move is all up to him.. I want him to move here of course I do but does he? I asked him to tell me soon so then if all falls down then I can pick the pieces of whats left up quicker...
Friday, February 12, 2010
just one more day until he comes and we still haven't made ends even. i mean we talked a little bit yesterday but i just was so lost and confused i mean i wanted to believe him but he really broke my heart yesterday. he tells me that "it was a one day thing and he was speaking out of anger." i told myself that after reading that comment i would try my best to not take it to the heart but it is so hard not to when someone says those harsh words to you and it is supposed to be more than your best friend but someone who truly loves you or well at least i thought he did. that is what hurt me the most and all of my anger and disappointment just spilled out when i was texting him yesterday before i went golfing. i just needed to get out of the house and just spend stay occupied and not think about anything.
well on a brighter note, when we were at the Los Lagos Golf Course and the boys were late because they went to McDonalds! It was one of the most funnest golf days ever :] my friends definitely made me forget all of my troubles up until we all had to leave :[ then i called up tom and we went to eastridge and i felt and looked horrible so i put on my shades at the mall yeah i know don't say anything i already know what you are thinking. and tom pretended to be my security guard so i won't look so weird haha "ms. brenda song." and after i made sure he remembered what kind of eyelashes i like and what number (red cherry #1 & 47 :] ) well after that i had a huge craving for Today for some odd reason but we weren't ballin enough to eat it becuase it costs 24 dollars! after that we went to the food court and i had the hardest time picking something out to eat and i think it was because i was just really upset and i lost my appetite when my day is just completely ruined. then we got ice cream and the new chocolate dipped ice cream cones at McDonalds are good! after that i took tom home and then my night basically ended.
so today i woke up did the usual morning routine then left for school. i completely forgot it was friday until i remembered i was doing a LTA today. well periods one thorugh four were very mellow not tough or had a lot of work at all. during lunch it was hard to really get everyone amped up when my fellow emcee was not very energetic soooo yeaaah i will just leave it as that. after the lunch time activity my last period we watched the cutest movie i forgot what it was called but i didn't sleep for once! haha then after school i went home and took a nap then a call wakes me up and it was my mom. she told me to come get her because she accidently locked herself out of her car so i was like okay and she kept rushing me and things do not go well when i am rushed so i had to get all my stuff ready for work and then i had a feeling i was staring at my room for some reason but then i was like eh whatever im just dazing. then after that i close my door and i realize i don't have my keys and i left them inside FMLx13840842304873280473!!! damn! so then my aunt had to come get me and i had to have her drive me to work or else i was going to be late. so i got my keys went to work and asked my manager trung to take me home after work. today was one of the longest and tiring days ever. it was horrible mentally because when i would listen to our stores music i constantly kept thinking about him and everything that happened and i was about to go into tears but i had to stay professional. he has got me completely drowned. i just lost control of myself and i feel like im exaggerating at times but he is just too special to me and it was just a hard slap in the face. then i try my best to talk to him today but he was always busy so i just gave up. he is right now at the club which i am not suprised but yeah i probably won't get a chance to talk to him until i actually see him tomorrow. sigh... well stay tuned; we will see what happens next...... <3 jasmine nguyen.
just one more day until he comes and we still haven't made ends even. i mean we talked a little bit yesterday but i just was so lost and confused i mean i wanted to believe him but he really broke my heart yesterday. he tells me that "it was a one day thing and he was speaking out of anger." i told myself that after reading that comment i would try my best to not take it to the heart but it is so hard not to when someone says those harsh words to you and it is supposed to be more than your best friend but someone who truly loves you or well at least i thought he did. that is what hurt me the most and all of my anger and disappointment just spilled out when i was texting him yesterday before i went golfing. i just needed to get out of the house and just spend stay occupied and not think about anything.
well on a brighter note, when we were at the Los Lagos Golf Course and the boys were late because they went to McDonalds! It was one of the most funnest golf days ever :] my friends definitely made me forget all of my troubles up until we all had to leave :[ then i called up tom and we went to eastridge and i felt and looked horrible so i put on my shades at the mall yeah i know don't say anything i already know what you are thinking. and tom pretended to be my security guard so i won't look so weird haha "ms. brenda song." and after i made sure he remembered what kind of eyelashes i like and what number (red cherry #1 & 47 :] ) well after that i had a huge craving for Today for some odd reason but we weren't ballin enough to eat it becuase it costs 24 dollars! after that we went to the food court and i had the hardest time picking something out to eat and i think it was because i was just really upset and i lost my appetite when my day is just completely ruined. then we got ice cream and the new chocolate dipped ice cream cones at McDonalds are good! after that i took tom home and then my night basically ended.
so today i woke up did the usual morning routine then left for school. i completely forgot it was friday until i remembered i was doing a LTA today. well periods one thorugh four were very mellow not tough or had a lot of work at all. during lunch it was hard to really get everyone amped up when my fellow emcee was not very energetic soooo yeaaah i will just leave it as that. after the lunch time activity my last period we watched the cutest movie i forgot what it was called but i didn't sleep for once! haha then after school i went home and took a nap then a call wakes me up and it was my mom. she told me to come get her because she accidently locked herself out of her car so i was like okay and she kept rushing me and things do not go well when i am rushed so i had to get all my stuff ready for work and then i had a feeling i was staring at my room for some reason but then i was like eh whatever im just dazing. then after that i close my door and i realize i don't have my keys and i left them inside FMLx13840842304873280473!!! damn! so then my aunt had to come get me and i had to have her drive me to work or else i was going to be late. so i got my keys went to work and asked my manager trung to take me home after work. today was one of the longest and tiring days ever. it was horrible mentally because when i would listen to our stores music i constantly kept thinking about him and everything that happened and i was about to go into tears but i had to stay professional. he has got me completely drowned. i just lost control of myself and i feel like im exaggerating at times but he is just too special to me and it was just a hard slap in the face. then i try my best to talk to him today but he was always busy so i just gave up. he is right now at the club which i am not suprised but yeah i probably won't get a chance to talk to him until i actually see him tomorrow. sigh... well stay tuned; we will see what happens next...... <3 jasmine nguyen.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
&& i am back. sorta.
wow i just remembered that i had a blogspot! Why make a tumblr when you have a blogspot?! :]
well i am going to try my best and blog everyday like i said.. i will try no promises.
we have been through so much as a couple. we have had our ups and downs and been through thick and thin. and now i don't know what to think. i mean it wasn't so much the question anymore that i was concerned about it was his reply to the question. " i don't know if i really love her or if i am saying it to please the both of us." after everything we have been through we fought through one of the hardest relationships to maintain being 500 miles away from each other and now everything just seems like a complete lie. i know that he never wanted to move here in the first place and every time he tells me he does i feel like hes lying through his teeth and holding the truth under his breath. i felt completely lost. i had no idea how to take this. i knew i shouldn't take it to the heart because i might have interpreted it wrong but i couldn't help but read that small sentence over and over again to myself all night last night. all i ever wanted was the truth and i know in order to get the truth you must tell the truth and i tell him absolutely everything! i feel like our relationship is at its peak of breaking right now even though that is the last thing i would ever want between us. but if this is how it going to be then i guess i have to accept it. he is coming in two days and i have no idea how i am going to face him. i just wish i knew all of this from the start. i don't know if he is just physically attracted to me or does he really like me? maybe because i am so far away it feels like there really is nothing there it is just someone to talk to at night and someone to call. i am so disappointed in myself and us. i can't even begin to describe how i feel right now that is the best form of expression i could think of but it is so much more. i want to talk to him about this this weekend but it is new years and its supposed to be a great start to the new year. i have no idea what to do... i wish he could just talk to me the way i talk to him so i know exactly where he stands and if the case is that where he stands is no where then so be it.
well i am going to try my best and blog everyday like i said.. i will try no promises.
we have been through so much as a couple. we have had our ups and downs and been through thick and thin. and now i don't know what to think. i mean it wasn't so much the question anymore that i was concerned about it was his reply to the question. " i don't know if i really love her or if i am saying it to please the both of us." after everything we have been through we fought through one of the hardest relationships to maintain being 500 miles away from each other and now everything just seems like a complete lie. i know that he never wanted to move here in the first place and every time he tells me he does i feel like hes lying through his teeth and holding the truth under his breath. i felt completely lost. i had no idea how to take this. i knew i shouldn't take it to the heart because i might have interpreted it wrong but i couldn't help but read that small sentence over and over again to myself all night last night. all i ever wanted was the truth and i know in order to get the truth you must tell the truth and i tell him absolutely everything! i feel like our relationship is at its peak of breaking right now even though that is the last thing i would ever want between us. but if this is how it going to be then i guess i have to accept it. he is coming in two days and i have no idea how i am going to face him. i just wish i knew all of this from the start. i don't know if he is just physically attracted to me or does he really like me? maybe because i am so far away it feels like there really is nothing there it is just someone to talk to at night and someone to call. i am so disappointed in myself and us. i can't even begin to describe how i feel right now that is the best form of expression i could think of but it is so much more. i want to talk to him about this this weekend but it is new years and its supposed to be a great start to the new year. i have no idea what to do... i wish he could just talk to me the way i talk to him so i know exactly where he stands and if the case is that where he stands is no where then so be it.
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