Tuesday, March 24, 2009

F. Scott Fitzgerald Quotes

"The glamour of the rich became an important fact in his life. In his writing, the rich and the "liberated" were to become symbols of the death of the "old America" in the dawn of an age of moral irresponsibility and mindless selfishness. From the very beginning of his career, Fitzgerald would write a poignant moral history of the country."

It says right in the quote that his prosperous days was a big influence on his writings. It gave him insight on American History and since then he wrote about the history of our country.

"He was a very popular undergraduate and gained early fame as a writer for the student drama society."

People recognized his work even during his graduate days which then leads to a promising future and everyone has the power to spread the word which then gives your name out and people start hearing about what you have to offer into this world especially if they like what you do.

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