Saturday, February 14, 2009

The American Dream.

According to Wikipedia the American Dream is defined as,
"The American Dream is the freedom that allows all citizens and most residents[1] of the United States to pursue their goals in life through hard work and free choice (see Immigration to the United States). One person may place monetary gain as their highest goal, and thus strive for this in a very American way, gaining through ability rather than social status. For another, the American Dream could consist in achieving a state of freedom from money and social structure. These two examples of the American Dream are only drops in an ever-expanding spectrum of possibilities.

The phrase's meaning has evolved over the course of American history. The Founding Fatherseducation and its consequent career opportunities. It is the opportunity to make individual choices without the restrictions of class, caste, religion, race, or ethnic group. used the phrase, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." it began as the opportunity to achieve greater material prosperity than was possible in their countries of origin. For others it is the opportunity for their children to grow up and receive an

President Clinton said, "We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together, or the American Dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other American."

I think the American Dream is still an open choice for everyone. Yes everyone has the opportunity to reach their highest goals unless there are personal issues that get in the way of that but they still have free education from K-12 grade. FAFSA is offered at colleges it is really up to you on what YOUR american dream is. No one can define what an american dream is because it is different for everyone. Everyone has the potential will power to pursue their long term goals and wildest dreams it is just a matter of action and knowledge that will guide them in the right direction to achieve that long term goal.

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