Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Key To Success.

What kind of education do you think is best? Can you get the best type of education in a public school?

I believe the best education is really any education. I believe your education is not based on public or private school it is based on your desire to learn. A teacher could be a well known profound educator although it does not mean that you are necessarily learning anything. You must want to learn and take in the information in your choice. Students who have attended public schools in the worst possible conditions come out being the most successful people in the world. Public or private, a school with only 30 kids or a school with 5000 kids, there is no comparison education is education it depends on the student to drive themselves to be on top.

Civil DIsobedience.

What is civil disobedience? Have you ever done it? Can it change society?

By definition civil disobedience is is the active refusal to obey certain
laws demands and commands of a government or of an occupying power (wiki) in layman terms to ignore the law if it is unjust to society. I am not quite sure if I have personally refused to do something against the government power wise, but I have broken simple laws like street laws. Yes of course Civil Disobedience no questions asked change society. A powerful movement that goes against the law will create change in the society and gives people a voice to fulfill their rights (1st amendment)


10 Facts about Thoreau

1. Born on July 12, 1817
2. Died on May 6, 1862
3. Born in Concord, Massachusetts
4. Graduated from Harvard
5. Helped slaves escape on the Underground Railroad and spoke out against the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.
6. Thoreau was jailed briefly in 1846 for refusing to pay a poll tax during the Mexican War
7. He took over his father's pencil factory after his father's death in 1859
8. Lived in Ralph Waldo Emerson's home and worked briefly on Staten Island as a tutor in 1843
9. Contributed nature essays and poems to the transcendentalist journal The Dial
10. Discussed this act of nonviolent resistance in the essay 'Civil Disobedience.'

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fahrenheit 451

1. I learned how to play with vocal sounds and make recordings sound more smoother when you put them together by lowering certain sounds and adding mood music

2. In Fahrenheit 451 I learned that Bradbury has a lot of interesting connotations about our world and I underestimated him a lot before the podcast.

3. Working with others, I learned that when it comes down to it if we keep focus and really get down to the nitty gritty we can get anything done.

1. I admired the enthusiasm and sarcastic humor

2. Now that we are more experienced and have been exposed to learning about podcasts I am sure our next assignment will be ten times better :]

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Am An American.

I am an American
I have the right to remain silent.
I wish to refuse that right-
And if you refuse that right
Everything you say can and will be used
Against you.
Well, I am a poet also...
So that is what I want.
I am of the opinion
That words are not mine until
I am accountable to them.
I am of the opinion that words are the greatest
Man can have,
And if I don't have words that are mine then I
am powerless.
I will not be powerless
And I will not be silent.
I have that right
I am an American.

I am an American.
I have the right to say whatever I want,
And I am a poet
So I can say that shit well.
And you have been warned.

In the mouths of poets
Words are like actions:
They define you.

And if your words don't define you,
Then why are you talking?
If you're not trying to go forward,
Then why are you walking?
You should sit down and shut up
And you have that right
But I'm a poet and an American
And my pencil sparks light
With each word that I write;
And I will stand here and fight
To the dawns early light;
As the bombs burst in air
I will stand right there
And I will speak my mind.
I have that right.

I am an American.

I, truthfully, am the truth
You never fully told.
And still don't tell,
But I tell the truthof who you are,
Because I am who you are--
I am an American...
And I tell the truth.

I am old women in department stores
Built atop the consecrated bones
Of Crazy Horse.
I sign credit cards receipts like treaties I don't
intend to honor.
A legacy of debt that can never be repayed.
I am restitution
For the sweet dreams that can't come
To the children who die
Hush-little baby, don't say a word
And you can't say a word...
Because we built Sears atop your grave
So you can't talk about the blankets soaked with
That the government gave.
I am the dead Iroquois babies swaddled in
Who watched the chickens come home.
I, Malcom X I-
"I am not here to condemn America
I am here to tell the truth
And if the truth condemns America,
She stands condemned."
I am the so many bones, of the so many balck
men and women,
That fell to ocean bottoms like tracks of the
underwater railroad
That led the wrong way to freedom.
I am all the blank walls standing tall
A middle passage memorial
To the names we do mot know.
I am Japanese-American families
Standing in US internment camps
Concentrating on blank walls,
Remembering Harriet Tubman,
And slow dancing with the ghosts of Cherokees
Imprisoned in Alcatraz
Before they admitted Alcatraz was a prison
And they called it a reservation.
I am all the people imprisoned by the lies we
don't admit to
I am all the people trapped inside the history
that never happened
I am the skeletons in the closet of the people who
died waitng for their
Truth to come out.
I am the truth coming out

I am America.

And if you say that I am wrong,
That if we are not our history,
IF there is nothing but our present
Then we must re-examine our scriptures with an
eye for histroical context
And look at our constitution with a mind to
For we are not created equal until we say so,
And no commandments are contractually
And all rights are alienable again.
And freedom isn't certain
But this is-
I am an American
And I pledge allegiance to no flag
And our States are not United.
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God,
I say to you this:
There is no one nation under God,
Unless that nation is the world.
For God made
the world
And man made
And if God were to honor man-made nations
He would do so under this condition...
That he would honor them all equally,
The way he made them.
So to pledge to one
Is to pledge against others
And to pledge against others
Is to pledge against God
And I'm not ready to go to war with God.
And despite the fact that I think war is wrong...
I am an American.

And I pledge to no flag
But to the people...
Who made it,
Who wave it,
Who salute it,
Who burn it,
Who hide behind it,
I pledge to you.
I pledge to see you clearly
And love you dearly
Like people,
Like mortals,
Like flawed individuals
Who bring your flaws to my America
And sometimes make mistakes.
And when you doI will tell you,
And if you do not hear me
I will not get silent
I will do the opposite:
I will make noise.
You are wrong to go to war
You are wrong to ignore the homeless,
To exploit the poor.
You are wrong to put money
Above life on this earth.
You are wrong to judge people
By how much they are worth.
You are wrong to think
You are entirely free,
If you want me to be silent because you don't
I am an American
And I will not be silent.

I will not be silent because you will be
Or because you want me to be
Or because you think it wrong to disaree with
my country.
You should read the Bill of Rights and
This poem was my country's idea.
I am an American
And I will not be silent
I will not be silent
I will not be silent
And you should use these words against me.
--Steve Connell (2003)--

Friday, November 7, 2008

Creative Commons

1. A good technique to use when interviewing a guest is to prepare the questions ahead of time and make as less background noise as possible. Rerecord the questions so if they are not perfect you can go back to the podcast and make new ones.

2. The ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) and BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) are the owners of the main royalty collections for music catalogs.

3. Attribution, Noncommercial, No Derivative Work, and Share Alike are some of the licenses for Creative Common


I enjoy being in this class. I love how we can have open free conversations and grow from that as a family. I have learned different styles of writing and structure and use of vocabulary. I would like to learn more about how to structure my essays better and word choices; diction. I feel I am doing well although I could be doing better. I could dedicate more study hours into this class and work up to my full upmost potential.