Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday July 07,2008 2:54 pm

Aw man I haven't written in my blog for a while now. It feels good to be back :] Things have been hectic and crazy these past few weeks. The heat wave in San Jose is just making it worse! Knowing that I have volleyball tomorrow is a bull spit. I really have no idea where to start on what has been going on so I am going to start off with the day I remember the most which is the day when my butt buddie Judie Huynh came down from Oregon to San Jose.
Woke up nice and early in the morning got ready and go with Jimmy Vo to pick up my butt buddie in Oakland. The drive there was pretty cool. When I sit in the passenger seat going to a far place I look like a tourist. I love the view of the city in the car from the front seat even though I see these buildings everyday I just love the view. After we picked Judie up and came home we settled down and first thing we did was set up escape routes; cute huh? After we settled in we went to Vista Park to go meet up with some people and just chill at the park. The weather was perfect although it was boring watching a bunch of guys play basketball after an hour. After that we went to Thuong Nguyen's house and chilled there for a little while than went home. This is where the story gets interesting. Of course we tried sneaking back out because Thuong was having a little get together at his house around midnight. Judie and I opened the garage door and almost got out until I realized that my grandpa could lock the door again and we would be screwed. So I unlocked the front door but than I hear my grandpa come out I was just thinking like fuck my life. So he is telling me that he already knew we were going to sneak out. I rush into my room and just jump on my bed and call Judie. But she was hiding in the garage and she has no service so she had to go outside through our original escape route. I kept telling her to come in but she refused to come in because she is clumsy. So I had to somehow find a way to go out there and get here. The only way I could think of was through the sliding door in the kitchen. Once I got out, I stopped and thought how I was supposed to walk through the backyard without anyone seeing me when their windows were partially open. I dipped down and tried to make a run for it but than I turned around and right when I did, I see the kitchen light turn on and I see my grandpa. I immediately bend down and just try to stay quiet. This was when my heart raced faster than ever in my life. I was breathing so hard there was not one ounce of spit in my mouth. I was right beneath the window he was looking in. After I peek over and see him go to the front door I ran faster than ever to the fence which was the only way out. I look out and I see that it is all clean until I hear the front door open. I was standing on the right side of my dad's Lexus and dipped down. For approximately fifteen minutes I did this sneaking game with him. When he would walk down towards the back of the car I would creep up to the front and when he would walk towards the front I would creep to the back. I have never been so scared in my life. After I thought the coast was clean and he went inside he came right back out! I didn't know what to think but just keep creeping around the car. So than after the coast was officially clear I walk to the park assuming that Judie will be there but than my phone rings and I thought it was Judie but it was my grandpa! Of course my first instinct was to not pick it up. So than I get a call from Judie asking where I am and we meet up at the park with James Gatchalian. For a good ten minutes we were sitting in James car trying to convince Judie to go back inside. I look at my phone and there is a voice mail, it was from my Grandpa. He told me that it was alright and I need to come home and sleep. He knows that we snuck out and he won't tell. After listening to his voice mail I felt so guilty and had to go back to the house. Although Judie refused to go because she was so scared. Right when she decides that she can go back in the house we try to figure out which way to go back in. To our surprise all of the escape routes are a no go. They were all locked. My last resort was to call my grandpa to tell him to open up the door. The first ten calls he did not pick up. I was scared we were going to stay out the whole night because he didn't pick up. Right as he opened the door Judie and I ran to my room and just fell to the ground. Shaking and paranoid for a couple of hours. We called the people that would comfort us the most to try to calm us down because this is the first time I have snuck out and this is the first time that Judie has been caught. What a night it was and after we thought that it couldn't get any worse. Drama started between friends. On fourth of July I went to my friends bbq and lets just say more fights broke out than normal over idiotic things. Low tolerance can do damage. The next few days I spent with my cousin Judie and Timmy and Richard Vo. It was nice catching up with everyone again and going swimming and the drive in. I am extremely tired right now and I would go into more detail about what happened with Timmy and Richard but I am just done typing.

"Every time a man stands up for an idea or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends out a tiny ripple of hope... and those ripples build a current which break down the mightiest wall of oppression and resistance. This generation can not afford to waste its substance and its hope in the struggles of the past for beyond these walls is a world that needs to be helped and improved and made safe for the welfare of mankind. And the real question before you, before all young Americans, is whether we will help bring about that future or whether we will not help and stand by." - RFK

Song: Take My Hand by The Cab
Take My Hand - The Cab